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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

La classe seconda B canta "WHO IS THIS?" per ascoltarla click qui

La classe seconda A recita la poesia "EASTER EGGS, PINK AND BLUE"
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La classe quarta B canta " IF YOU ARE HAPPY" per ascoltarla click qui

La classe terza B canta "HOW MANY EGGS IN THE EASTER BASKET?" per ascoltarla
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How many eggs in
the Easter basket?


How many eggs in the Easter basket?
How many eggs in the Easter basket?
How many eggs in the Easter basket?

One, two, three, four, five
Five eggs in the Easter basket
Five eggs in the Easter basket
Five eggs in the Easter basket
One, two, three, four, five

What color are the eggs in the Easter basket?
Look at the eggs in the Easter basket!
What color the eggs in the Easter basket?
Look at the eggs in the Easter basket!

One is pink, one is purple
One is green, one is yellow
One is pink and green and purple
Eggs in the Easter basket
written by Irene Chiappa 3B
drawing by Vittoria Bertolini 3B